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The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival is THE ONE that comes to mind when people talk about music festivals. Bukwild worked with the organizers at Golden Voice to redesign their website for the 2017 & 2018 seasons. While the acute objective was maintaining uptime during ticket sales, the long term goal at the time was reducing the number of customer support tickets that the Golden Voice team was receiving, leading up to, and during, the event.

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IA and Content Strategy

I led a complete re-architecting of their website content, to transform their bloated FAQs and support material into a modular series of guides that could be merchandized throughout the lifecycle of the event – prioritizing the content that was most helpful to users at that moment.

As a result, the Golden Voice team saw a 20% reduction in volume in customer support related to the website.

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View the Bukwild Case Study